
Special VAT e-Fapiao pilot extension 

China’s e-invoicing pilot for Special VAT invoices is gaining traction quickly. The pilot was already live in 11 regions and has now been extended into another 25 regions. The project is somewhat delayed; e-invoicing is now expected to be available countrywide in the course of 2021. (The original plan was to have full country coverage by the end of 2020).

The Special VAT e-invoicing initiative aims to replace the existing Fapiao process, which is fully paper-based, and which requires taxpayers to use government pre-numbered invoices and visit local tax offices to produce such invoices.

Businesses are typically selected and certified for the pilot. Certified companies use the State “Public Service Platform of Electronic VAT Invoice” using their ‘U Key’ login terminal, which is a hardware component provided by local tax offices. On the Public Service Platform taxpayers request approval for the type and number of sales invoices they will issue in a certain period. The Public Platform is also used for the permanent storage of invoices. Invoice corrections (credit notes) can also be issued using the Service Platform (using red-lined special Fapiaos).

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