
Looking to achieve nationwide coverage of fapiao digitisation by 2025

China has set to roll out e-special VAT fapiao to all taxpayers by the end of 2021, with the expectation to achieve nationwide e-fapiao coverage by 2025.

The STA (State Tax Administration) has launched a public e-invoicing platform aiming to provide free e-invoicing support 24/7 (inv-veri.chinatax.gov.cn). Suppliers/Buyers can access this website to:

  • perform validation checks on both paper and electronic invoices issued within the last 5 years. Each invoice can only be checked 5 times per day.
  • download relevant certificates and software, e.g. OFD reader, e-invoice generator for UKEY users.
  • learn more about e-invoicing in china via online resources, e.g. how to identify the validity of paper fapiao.

It’s noticeable that this platform has access restrictions to foreign browsers and may not work on Apple IOS systems.

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