
Introduction to Vietnam’s mandatory e-invoicing

In 2020, Vietnam delayed its implementation date of mandatory electronic invoicing until July 1, 2022. So far, we have not heard signals that suggest any further delay.

From July 2022, paper and PDF invoices no longer qualify as valid tax invoices. Under the mandate, the e-invoice must be in XML format, include a digital signature and be securely stored for ten years. In addition, Invoices need to be in Vietnamese language; a second language is allowed. The second language needs to be placed in brackets next to the Vietnamese texts or under the Vietnamese texts using a smaller font.

There will be two types of e-invoices: the e-invoice with tax verification code and e-invoice without tax verification code. The process with the tax verification code is so -called pre-clearance where invoice data must be submitted to the tax office (GDT- General Department of Tax). Upon registration and approval of the invoice data, the tax office returns a specific code that needs to be included in the invoice that is sent to the buyer. The requirement to add a tax verification code to the invoices depends on the taxpayer’s business sector, tax risk, and annual revenue.

To use either type of e-invoice in Vietnam, companies must register and receive approval from the Vietnamese tax authorities via the website of the General Taxation Department.

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